Lesbians at UT,
What one word best describes yourself?
Lesbians at UT,
What's the purpose of sex?
Lesbians at UT,
Would you rather have chivalry or equality?
Lesbians at UT,
What's your favorite pastime?
Lesbians at UT,
Who's your role model?
Lesbians at UT,
Which is worst: emotional infidelity or physical infidelity?
Lesbians at UT,
Do you prefer a masculine partner or a feminine one?
Lesbians at UT,
What's your sex toy of choice?
Lesbians at UT,
Which gender do you identify most with?
Lesbians at UT,
What's your opinion on men in general?
Lesbians at UT,
How is your relationship with your parents?