Trump Supporters at UT,
What did you do to celebrate Trump winning?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Do you support a total ban on abortions?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Do you hate immigrants?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Where are you from?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What excites you most about a 2nd Trump term?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Are you surprised Trump won a 2nd term?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What was the most important issue for you, this election?
Trump Supporters at UT,
How can you support someone who condones ransacking the Capitol?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Why do you support Trump?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Did you think Trump would win?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What makes America great?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What's your ethnicity?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What has been Trump's greatest contribution to the Republican party?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What do you miss most about the Trump presidency?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What do you think is the worst thing a Bidden administration could do?
Trump Supporters at UT,
How are you holding up?
Trump Supporters at UT,
How big of a budget deficit is too big?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Do you agree with the decision to remove confederate statues from their pedestals on campus?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Should the peoples of the world work to pull everyone together or push everyone apart?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Do you knowingly share fake news?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Can you be a good Christian by emulating Donald Trump?
Trump Supporters at UT,
What do you think will be the most dramatic thing Trump does before leaving office?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Should Trump attend Biden's inauguration?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Will you still follow Trump's Twitter account after he leaves office?
Trump Supporters at UT,
Which part of the 2020 election do you find most suspicious?
Have you ever eaten dinner with a Muslim?