Muslims at UT,
What's your guilty pleasure?
Muslims at UT,
Have you ever dated a non-Muslim?
Muslims at UT,
Did you go to any SXSW events?
Muslims at UT,
Have you ever eaten dinner with a Jewish person?
Muslims at UT,
How many times a day do you pray?
Muslims at UT,
What would bring peace to the Middle East?
Muslims at UT,
Do you harbor any enmity towards Jewish people?
Muslims at UT,
How can you resist bacon??
Muslims at UT,
Is premarital sex bad?
Muslims at UT,
What does jihad mean to you?
Muslims at UT,
What is the sweetest thing a stranger has said to you?
Muslims at UT,
What does the American dream mean to you?
Muslims at UT,
On campus, do you feel accepted as you are?
Muslims at UT,
Is it possible to be "Western" and a devout Muslim?
Muslims at UT,
What's your take on the Black Lives Matter movement?
Muslims at UT,
What do you think of Jesus?
Muslims at UT,
Has anyone in your family ever done harm to a person in the name of religion?
Muslims at UT,
Is a stick figure drawing of Mohamed offensive to you?
Muslims at UT,
In your opinion, what is the biggest difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims?
Muslims at UT,
How many people have you slept with?
Muslims at UT,
Are you fasting for Ramadan?
Muslims at UT,
Would you rather have chivalry or equality?
Muslims at UT,
Do you wear a hijab daily?
Muslims at UT,
Can a woman be better than a man?
Muslims at UT,
Do you cover your hair?